For today, a short note on impetuousness. I have seldom managed to be so, being a rehabilitating control freak, but the other day did manage to succumb to its spur-of-the-moment attraction, with very pleasing results.
Had gone into the local Planet M to pick up Bruce Springsteen's Magic and was told that it had still not arrived. On my forlorn way out, glancing about, my attention was caught for some reason by the cover of a VCD- 'Missed Call'- an Indie movie, featuring someone I had never heard of and directed by someone I had heard of even less. Not letting recallability get in the way, I picked it up and watched it yesterday on Boxing Day, with wonderful results. I could not think how better I could have spent Boxing Day, except of course if I was actually at the Melbourne Cricket Ground where India was playing Australia.
The British food critic A.A. Gill had once said, somewhat disparagingly of his own kind, that "Critics are like eunuchs in a harem—they know how it is done, they’ve seen it done every day, but they are unable to do it themselves". So I will not attempt to review/ critique the film, except to say that it is one of those rare ones which, watched under the right circumstances and at the right time, have the power to alter some lives or at least to revise the content and direction of those lives. A few years back it might have altered mine too!
So for the New Year, resolve to be impetuous- you never know when you might get a Missed Call!!
Had gone into the local Planet M to pick up Bruce Springsteen's Magic and was told that it had still not arrived. On my forlorn way out, glancing about, my attention was caught for some reason by the cover of a VCD- 'Missed Call'- an Indie movie, featuring someone I had never heard of and directed by someone I had heard of even less. Not letting recallability get in the way, I picked it up and watched it yesterday on Boxing Day, with wonderful results. I could not think how better I could have spent Boxing Day, except of course if I was actually at the Melbourne Cricket Ground where India was playing Australia.
The British food critic A.A. Gill had once said, somewhat disparagingly of his own kind, that "Critics are like eunuchs in a harem—they know how it is done, they’ve seen it done every day, but they are unable to do it themselves". So I will not attempt to review/ critique the film, except to say that it is one of those rare ones which, watched under the right circumstances and at the right time, have the power to alter some lives or at least to revise the content and direction of those lives. A few years back it might have altered mine too!
So for the New Year, resolve to be impetuous- you never know when you might get a Missed Call!!